stefan zéphyr teske
design · illustration · textile · visual art
maison d´este
founder & art director
designstudio stefan teske (fka bâtar d´ este), berlin
2013-2014_meisterschüler, weißensee school of art, berlin
2009-2013_studies on the intersection of textile & surface design, sculpture and visual art, weißensee school of art, berlin
2007-2009_foundation course computer sciences, university of applied arts & sciences, trier
2003-2007_industrial design, pattern making, design concept and collection development, university of applied arts & sciences, trier
2001_technical college entrance qualification, faculty: economy/law/administration, aschaffenburg
professional experience
2015-today_creative director of own design studio "stefan teske" (fka "bâtar d'este"), berlin
2003-today_fine artist in textile art, sculpting, illustration and visual art
2023 -2024_lecturer pattern construction hochschule für gestaltung, offenbach
2013-2015_teaching assistant japanese pattern construction bunka method tokyo, lette verein, berlin
2011-2015_ freelancer for advertising and editorial productions agency, berlin
2005_alexander mcqueen, design-assistant, london
2005_vivienne westwood, design-assistant, london
exhibitions (selection)
2023_"miss you", kunsthalle jesuitenkirche, aschaffenburg
2022_"memories of lemuria", prenzlauer berg, berlin
2019_"artwear|wearable art", schwules museum patroned by claudia roth, berlin
2018_"[ memoriⒶvenir ]", meisterschülerarbeit under supervision by prof. patrick rietz, haus der kulturen der welt, berlin
2013_"coré", installation of my final diploma project under supervision by prof. tristan pranyko, garn-theater, berlin
2008_"i am a misfit", installation, european design award 2008, apolda
2007_diploma degree presentation arena, trier
2006_special exhibition exclusively @ trade fair "handarbeit & hobby", cologne
awards (selection)
2011_maybelline jade/l'orèale styling award, dusseldorf
2008_europark young designer award, salzburg
2006_mtv designerama junior design award, berlin
2006_needle work design award, cologne
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